Ten Ways to Reuse Teabags



  1. Make a second cup of tea. If you do want to try and get a second cup of tea from your used teabag, just remember that your tea will not be as flavorful or as strong.
  2. Add some flavor to your cooking…add the teabag to the boiling water when making rice, pasta, or boiled eggs.
  3. Give an antique look to dingy tea-shirts or other cotton items. Add a few tea bags to hot water and soak piece.
  4. Use as a hair conditioner. Make a brew, let it cool and apply to freshly shampooed hair.
  5. Rub a damp teabag over a sunburn…it really takes away the sting.
  6. Stinky Shoes – dry the teabags, then place them in your shoes to get rid of foot odors.
  7. Feed your flowers. Open the used teabag and sprinkle around the base of your plants, especially rose bushes.
  8. Get rid of extra cooked on grime…place teabags in your pans and soak for a few hours or overnight.
  9. Reduce eye puffiness. Place damp tea bags over your eyes and see the swelling almost disappear in about 15 to 20 minutes.
  10. Bee stings or mosquito bites are helped when you place damp tea bags over the site. The antioxidants help with the inflammation.
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